One day long ago you were doe eyed with an idea that brought inspiration and passion to your heart sowing the seeds of a small business dream.  Every small business owner I meet started their journey with a good idea, a lot of hard work and a passion for what they do.  It takes guts and a leap of faith to take your idea in your own two hands and dive in wholeheartedly.

It is an inspiration meeting small business owners who are just people going about their days with a heart full of hope.  In any journey, no matter what you sell or what service you offer, you need an army of people behind you.  There are the family members who sacrifice everyday so you can pursue your dream. There are the team of people who are inspired to work with you and follow your leadership.  There are the panel of experts advising you and clearing the way for you to concentrate on what it is you do.  Each entrepreneur has a passion and an area of expertise but we are only who we are through the support of our business army of supporters. The accountant who sets you on the straight and narrow.  The bank and or family members who took a gamble and believed in you.  The experts in your field supporting you to becoming the innovator you are.  When you meet your tribe of people you all flourish together.

Each small business needs an army of supporters and experts

My personal journey in creating Kids College Childcare with my family, the very best childcare centre who truly cares, educates and loves children every day is a true joy and a source of great fulfillment and pride that I get to do what I love every day and hopefully make a difference to my small corner of the world.

We are mindful of the army of business supporters who are integral to our success.  From Nick my Dad, to Garry our builder, to Brett our landscaper, to Steve our accountant to Noel our technology genius.  All these people and many more helped build Kids College, literally and figuratively, into what it is today.  Kids College are proud to be an active member of our community and celebrate our business community in many ways. Our community is important to us and we feel we need meaningful relationships.

Whitfords Chipmunks small business markets 

Our business markets are an opportunity to support and draw on our amazing community of small businesses in the area.  We were fortunate enough to add Whitfords Chipmunks to our family two years ago and like all good siblings one supports the other.  Kids College holds our small business markets once a month at Whitfords Chipmunks to showcase the amazing businesses we have in our community.

Noel from Start Up Pro 

It is through those market days that we met Noel from Start Up Pro.  He himself is a small business entrepreneur who is juggling the demands of family and his own business.  He and his gorgeous little son set up their office at Whitfords Chipmunks every week.  His son plays happily in the playground and Noel works tirelessly at his ‘desk’ fuelled by his passion for digital marketing and Whitfords Chipmunks coffee. We got chatting and have developed into a strong friendship, we are proud to be a client of Start Up Pro.  Noel’s expertise in computers and particularly digital marketing and websites are unbelievable and not only is he the top in his field but also understands the demands of small business owner.  I am particularly adverse to new technology and time poor like so many and yet Noel has inspired in me an enthusiasm for branching out and trying new technologies.  He gently nudged me into the new age of digital marketing and I am actually finding that I am loving it.  I am able to try new things because I know and trust Noel is there to back me up. Our resident tech guru has convinced me to crawl out from under my rock and share my ideas and passion I have for childcare and early childhood education.

Breaking your small business into the digital’ workshop

Noel from Start up Pro offers a unique personalized approach and we would like to showcase his talents and support to other local businesses.  Noel is running a short course workshop at Whitfords Chipmunks on Friday 31 August called ‘Breaking your small business into the digital’.

A few simple yet very powerful ideas that will springboard your digital presence to new heights, how to attract customers and ensure people find you.  Google my business page, SEO, key words and other scary computer geek phrases for digital marketing You don’t need to have a website or any real internet expertise, Noel is there to guide you gently through the process and inspire you to reach for more.  I had no idea what I had no idea of. No obligation, we just want to help small businesses out there do what they do more effectively.

To find out more about Noel’s Start Up Pro visit his websitewww.startuppro.com.auand to see an example of his wonderful work setting up websites check out ours on kidscollege.com.au. To make a booking for his workshop simply go to- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/breaking-your-small-business-into-the-digital-tickets-48678553865

Join the Kids College family

Make sure to follow Kids College Childcare on facebook, watch for our regular emails and keep an eye on our Kids College website. Please join the Kids College family community and share in our vision of creating the very best childcare where children experience love, laughter and learning every day. You can reach us on Jennifer@kdiscollege.com.au

Quote from Kids College Philosophy

‘Kids College values our strong leadership that promotes our ongoing cycle of professional development with educational leadership to ensure continual improvement and a sustained commitment to excellent professional practices.’

QA 6.2.3 The service builds relationships and engages with its community.



Proud to display our Exceeding Childcare Centre Award




Our practice is shaped by meaningful engagement with our families and community. If you could add something to our program, come up with great ideas, or know of resources or people we can contact could please send us an email on Jennifer@kidscollege.com.au as we really do value your input.

our upcoming events
